疫情之下,美国却出现了“大离职潮”。从去年开始,员工纷纷离职,让许多公司束手无策。调查发现,新冠疫情并不是这波离职潮的头号原因。[Photo/Pexels]美国员工正纷纷离职,寻找更好的工作机会。US workers are walking off the job — and finding a better one.“大离职潮”是疫情期间的一大现象,今年1月份约430万美国人跳槽,去年11月离职人数达到了450万的高峰。在新冠疫情暴发前,美国每月平均离职人数不到300万。然而疫情是美国人离职的头号原因吗?其实人们的离职原因还和以前一样。Some 4.3 million people quit their job for another in January in a pandemic-era phenomenon that’s become known as “The Great Resignation.” Quits peaked at 4.5 million in November. Before COVID-19, that figure averaged at fewer than 3 million quits per month. But the No. 1 reason they’re quitting? It’s the same old story.总部在华盛顿特区的智库皮尤研究中心开展了一项涵盖9000多人的调查,结果发现美国人去年离职的头号原因是薪酬低以及缺乏晋升机会(各占63%),其次是在职场中感觉不受尊重(57%)。Workers say low pay and a lack of opportunities for advancement (63% respectively) are the biggest reason why they quit their jobs last year, followed by feeling disrespected at work (57%), according to a survey of more than 9,000 people by the Pew Research Center, a think tank based in Washington, D.C.皮尤研究中心指出:“约半数(48%)家中有18岁以下孩子的受访者表示,无人照料孩子是自己离职的原因之一。还有相近比例的受访者表示离职是因为缺乏弹性工作时间(45%)或没有医保、带薪休假等福利(43%)。”"Roughly half say child-care issues were a reason they quit a job (48% among those with a child younger than 18 in the household),” Pew said. “A similar share point to a lack of flexibility to choose when they put in their hours (45%) or not having good benefits such as health insurance and paid time off (43%).”随着疫情相关的经济刺激礼包发放完毕,通货膨胀又创下40年新高,人们被迫增加工作时间和寻求更高的薪酬。与此同时,信用卡债务和利率节节攀升,长达两年不确定又不稳定的工作环境也让人们花掉了许多积蓄。Pressures have intensified for people to work more hours and/or for better wages with inflation now at a 40-year high as COVID-related stimulus programs wind down. Meanwhile, credit-card debt and interest rates are on the rise, and two years of an uncertain and unsteady work environment has taken a toll on people’s savings.不过,皮尤研究中心也带来了好消息:超半数(56%)跳槽的员工表示,他们现在薪水增加了,有更多升职机会,能更好地平衡工作和家庭责任,工作时间也更有弹性了。The good news: More than half of workers who switched jobs say that they’re now earning more money (56%), have more opportunities for advancement, have an easier time balancing work and family responsibilities, and have more flexibility to choose when they put in their work hours, Pew said.但是,在皮尤问及离职原因是否与新冠疫情有关时,超30%的受访者给出了肯定的答案。皮尤调查报告补充道:“那些没有大学四年本科学历的人(34%)比那些拥有本科以上学历的人(21%)更倾向于认为疫情和自己离职的决定有关。”However, when asked whether their reasons for quitting a job were related to COVID-19, over 30% of those in the Pew survey said yes. “Those without a four-year college degree (34%) are more likely than those with a bachelor’s degree or more education (21%) to say the pandemic played a role in their decision,” it added.为了进一步了解员工的心声,盖洛普公司询问了逾1.3万名美国员工这个问题:在决定是否要接受一份新工作时,哪个因素对他们影响最大?据盖洛普职场管理实务部调研和策略主管本·韦格特透露,受访者列出了6个因素。In an effort to cast more light on worker sentiment, Gallup asked more than 13,000 US employees what was most important to them when deciding whether to accept a new job. Respondents listed six factors, said Ben Wigert, the director of research and strategy for Gallup’s workplace management practice.员工跳槽的第一大原因是收入或福利有显著增加,其次是改善工作与生活间的平衡、提升个人幸福感,然后是能够做自己最擅长的事、工作稳定有保障、与自己理念相合的新冠疫苗接种政策,还有机构的多元化和对各种人员的包容性。A significant rise in income or benefits was the No. 1 reason, followed by greater work-life balance and better personal well-being, the ability to do what they do best, greater stability and job security, COVID-19 vaccination policies that align with their beliefs, and the organization’s diversity and inclusivity of all types of people.